mixed media

During my studies in Prague I crossed the border between Austria & the Czech Republic almost weekly. While I travelled thousands of kilometres I had enough time to think about myself and my origin.

As an Austrian citizen with Czechoslovakian roots, the demarcation of borders, in general, but especially between these countries, is for me a blurred and actually dissolved one. The excursion to this “foreign” country brought me a little closer to my genetical roots and to the questions about my identity. Consequently this is the first project, where I focus on myself, as the main character within a piece of  my artistic work.

In addition, my childhood illness on the left femur, which, according to some voices of that time, would curtail me in mobility, is also a present topic, due to the constant movement.

These two experiences merge to the “mainstay” of this series, which has been steadily expanding since 2020. Through different photographs from my busrides, studio recordings of prosthetic support systems, road constructions between Vienna and Prague, pictures from the Austrian-Czech border, reappraisals of my past personality and the use of digital picture manipulation & generation, this conglomeration will be formed.

In cooperation with an orthopedic company, orthopedists and different writers and their texts, I want to create a piece of work, that visualizes my transition from a childhood, which was divided in cultural identities, separated by invisible demarcation lines and partially excluded by a not self-caused bone disease, to the person I am today.